How to Talk to Kids about Race:
A Two-Part Workshop

“Do we ever ask how young is too young to talk to a kid about kindness or love or respect? No. We read books to kids about love when they’re coming out of the womb because we want them to love! That’s what we want. We should be doing the same thing with being antiracist.”

Ibram X. Kendi

I am pleased to offer a workshop that parents, grandparents, and teachers have been asking for: How to Talk to Kids About Race. This two-part workshop will help you identify the current messages the kids in your life are receiving about race, explore the price we pay by not talking directly about race and why we don’t, and most importantly share strategies for how you can engage more deeply around race conversations. Workshop participants will leave empowered with a clear pathway forward in your ability to have meaningful conversations with the kids in your life about race.

Two Options:

A Two-Part Workshop
Virtual Book Club Discussion, How to Raise White Kids and a Two-Part Workshop.

Option 1:

How to Talk to Kids about Race: A Two-Part Workshop

Night one of the workshop we will cover:

  • What you are currently teaching children about race

  • The price we pay by not talking directly about race, racial identity, and racism

  • The reasons why white parents aren’t talking to their kids about race

Night two of the workshop we will cover:

  • Specific strategies for white parents to engage race conversations in the home

  • Role playing scenarios

A pathway forward with tangible steps and confidence in your ability to have meaningful conversations with your child(ren) about race  

Spring 2024 Dates Coming Soon (6:00pm-8pm PST)

Class seats are limited

Register today to secure your seat


Option 2: For those who want a deeper dive…

Virtual Book Club Discussion + Workshop

Read the Social Justice Virtual Book Club April selection, How to Raise White Kids by Jennifer Harvey and attend the conversation on April 28th.

Then on May 5th and 19th attend the workshop, How to Talk to you Kids About Race via Zoom from 6:00pm-8pm PST.

Night one of the workshop we will cover:

  • What you are currently teaching your children about race

  • The price we pay by not talking directly about race, racial identity, and racism

  • The reasons why white parents aren’t talking to their kids about race

Night two of the workshop we will cover:

  • Specific strategies for white parents to engage race conversations in the home

  • Role playing scenarios

A pathway forward with tangible steps and confidence in your ability to have meaningful conversations with your child(ren) about raceFor those who choose this option, you will need to register for the book club here.

Spring 2024 Dates Coming Soon (6:00pm-8pm PST)

Class seats are limited

Register today to secure your seat
