
Racial Justice Activism: Pitfalls and Pathways

Racial Justice Activism: Pitfalls and Pathways is a 6-week online course in which students learn about the most common mistakes new and seasoned white activists make while working towards racial justice. Students will then be introduced to tactics and strategies that have proven effective in the fight for racial justice. The course culminates in a series of activities which result in students developing their own customized action plan that suits their particular skill set, interest level and communities.

In this activism course students receive weekly presentation materials in the form of a pdf presentation that leads them through learning modules which include some articles, videos, and other tools to engage deeply in this work. In addition, there are weekly discussion boards for students to dig deeper into each week’s work. Each week students meet for a zoom call to learn, share and ask questions.

The required book for this course is White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard For White People To Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo.

For those interested in a self-guided study, a pdf of this course is available for purchase.



Above and Beyond

“I am honestly grateful to have had such an honest, fun, loud and caring teacher. You go above and beyond to get us to learn and get us to care about these issues. It’s so fun to watch you teach because in every class you can tell how much heart and soul you put into our time together.”  

Taylor M. 

Powerful Teacher

“Jen makes learning fun and is such a powerful teacher. She is the BEST teacher I’ve ever had.” 

Tyler S.


Strength and Conviction

“Sometimes the sheer enormity of the problems we discussed in our class made me feel like anything I would do to fight back would be insignificant, and, yet, I couldn't justify lingering in a place of fear-induced inaction, because you were always there to remind us of how significant our individual and collective actions could be. Your strength and conviction as an educator, an activist, and a human being continue to inspire me.”      

Devon W.

Register for On-Line Course


Racial Justice Activism: Pitfalls and Pathways

Next course date and registration coming soon


Buy Self-Guided Study 

Buy the 170 page downloaded pdf which contains all the course materials. This self-guided study course will lead you through 6 weeks of study or go at your own pace.
